All Classes

A type of attribute that is guaranteed to be different for all people
The house that the person lives in.
A known attribute for a person like a specific "name", "pet" or if the person is criminal
A library of people attributes, demonstrating different ways to define them.
A type attribute for a person like a "name", "pet" or if the person is a criminal
Defines an attribute type using a set of labels.
A puzzle that asks all attributes in BasicPuzzle.getAttributeSets() to be assigned to people, satisfying rules defined by the attribute sets used in the puzzle (e.g.
CLI for zebra4j
The color of a persons clothes.
Immutable ordered union view on two collections
A fact about a commutative relationship between people identified by two attributes, called "left" and "right"
A fact given as a clue to the players
A type of facts
Simple randomness implementation with Random
LazyInitializer implementation based on Supplier
Facts/clues about people with certain attributes living in adjacent or nearby houses.
The name attribute of a person
Builder for BasicPuzzle
A generator for BasicPuzzle
A full solution to a BasicPuzzle
Iterative builder for PuzzleSolution.
Solver for BasicPuzzle
A question about an attribute of a person
A puzzle that looks for answer to the given question given rules defined by the attribute sets used in the underlying basic puzzle (e.g.
A generator for QuestionPuzzle
Solver for QuestionPuzzle
Data randomization, as used in zebra4j
Generator of PuzzleSolution
A specification of the attributes of a person in a solution of a BasicPuzzle
Wrapper on ChocoSolver Model adding variable management