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AbstractPuzzleGenerator<P> - Class in zebra4j
AbstractPuzzleGenerator(Randomness, PuzzleSolution, Set<Fact.Type>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
add(E) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
add(Attribute...) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolutionBuilder
Adds a new person with the given attributes to the solution
add(SolutionPerson) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolutionBuilder
Adds a new person
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
addFact(Fact) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleBuilder
Adds a fact to the puzzle under construction.
addSet(String, String...) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleBuilder
Creates a new BasicAttributeType with the given parameters and adds it to the puzzle under construction.
addSet(Attribute...) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleBuilder
Includes an attribute set of some type in the puzzle
addToModel(ZebraModel, Set<Attribute>, int) - Method in class zebra4j.AllDifferentType
addToModel(ZebraModel, Set<Attribute>, int) - Method in interface zebra4j.AttributeType
Adds rules related to the subset of attributes of this type used in a puzzle to the model describing the puzzle
addWithHouse(Attribute...) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolutionBuilder
Adds a new person in the next house
AllDifferentType - Class in zebra4j
A type of attribute that is guaranteed to be different for all people
AllDifferentType() - Constructor for class zebra4j.AllDifferentType
answer(PuzzleSolution) - Method in class zebra4j.Question
Answers this question about the given solution, if applicable
appliesTo(BasicPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
appliesTo(BasicPuzzle) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact
appliesTo(BasicPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
appliesTo(BasicPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.Question
appliesTo(PuzzleSolution) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
appliesTo(PuzzleSolution) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.Different
appliesTo(PuzzleSolution) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact
appliesTo(PuzzleSolution) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
appliesTo(PuzzleSolution) - Method in class zebra4j.Question
asList() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
AT_HOUSE - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes
AtHouse - Class in zebra4j
The house that the person lives in.
AtHouse(int) - Constructor for class zebra4j.AtHouse
Attribute - Interface in zebra4j
A known attribute for a person like a specific "name", "pet" or if the person is criminal
Attributes - Interface in zebra4j
A library of people attributes, demonstrating different ways to define them.
AttributeType - Interface in zebra4j
A type attribute for a person like a "name", "pet" or if the person is a criminal
attributeTypes() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
attributeTypes() - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact
Collect the types of the attributes referenced by the fact
attributeTypes() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
attributeTypes() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson


BasicAttributeType - Class in zebra4j
Defines an attribute type using a set of labels.
BasicAttributeType(Set<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
Create a new basic type of attribute with enumerated set of attributes
BasicPuzzle - Class in zebra4j
A puzzle that asks all attributes in BasicPuzzle.getAttributeSets() to be assigned to people, satisfying rules defined by the attribute sets used in the puzzle (e.g.
BasicPuzzle(Map<AttributeType, Set<Attribute>>, Collection<Fact>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
BLUE - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Clothes
BothTrue - Class in zebra4j.fact
BothTrue(Attribute, Attribute) - Constructor for class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
build() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleBuilder
build() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolutionBuilder


canEqual(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
canEqual(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
canEqual(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
clear() - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
Cli - Class in zebra4j
CLI for zebra4j
Cli() - Constructor for class zebra4j.Cli
Clothes - Enum in zebra4j
The color of a persons clothes.
CLOTHES - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes
Clothes attribute.
CollectionChain<E> - Class in zebra4j.util
Immutable ordered union view on two collections
CollectionChain(Collection<E>, Collection<E>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
CommutativeFact - Class in zebra4j.fact
A fact about a commutative relationship between people identified by two attributes, called "left" and "right"
CommutativeFact() - Constructor for class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
CommutativeFact.Source - Interface in zebra4j.fact
contains(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
contains(Attribute) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
countSolutions(P) - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
countSolutions(BasicPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator
countSolutions(QuestionPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
create(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact.Source
createUniqueVariable(Attribute, int) - Method in class zebra4j.ZebraModel
Creates a variable for an attribute that can be held by only one person in the solution
Criminal - Enum in zebra4j
CRIMINAL - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes


DEFAULT_FACT_TYPES - Static variable in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
DEFAULT_TYPES - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes
The set of attributes used by the demos
describe(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
describe(Locale) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact
Describes the facts in natural language in the given locale
describe(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
describe(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
Describe the solution in natural language
describe(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.Question
Converts the question to a natural language sentence
describe(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
Describe the person-in-solution in natural language
describeConstraints(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
Describe in natural language the constraints that the solution must satisfy.
describeConstraints(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
describeSet(Collection<Attribute>, Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.AllDifferentType
describeSet(Collection<Attribute>, Locale) - Method in interface zebra4j.AttributeType
Describe the given set of attributes in the form of sentence, in the given locale, describing a rule for solving a puzzle.
description(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
description(Locale) - Method in interface zebra4j.Attribute
As in the sentence "Ivan is {description}"
description(Locale) - Method in enum zebra4j.Clothes
description(Locale) - Method in enum zebra4j.Criminal
description(Locale) - Method in enum zebra4j.PersonName
Different - Class in zebra4j.fact
Different(Attribute, Attribute) - Constructor for class zebra4j.fact.Different


ELENA - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.PersonName
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.Question
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
equals(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson


Fact - Interface in zebra4j.fact
A fact given as a clue to the players
Fact.Type - Interface in zebra4j.fact
A type of facts
findAttribute(AttributeType) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
Finds one attributes of the person given type
findByLabel(String) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
Finds the attribute with the given label if any, case sensitive
findPerson(Attribute) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
Find a person based on an attribute
fromJson(String) - Static method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType


generate() - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
Tip: one can generate several puzzles quickly with a parallel stream:
generate() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionGenerator
Generates a new puzzle.
generate(Map<AttributeType, Set<Attribute>>, Randomness) - Static method in class zebra4j.Question
Generates a random question using the given sets of attributes
generate(PuzzleSolution) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact.Type
Generates all facts of that type that apply to the given solution
generate(PuzzleSolution) - Static method in class zebra4j.Question
Generates a random question about the people in the given solution
GEORGE - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.PersonName
get() - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
get() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionGenerator
get() - Method in class zebra4j.util.LazyInstance
get() can't throw because LazyInstance.initialize() doesn't throw.
getAbout() - Method in class zebra4j.Question
getAttributes(int) - Method in interface zebra4j.AttributeType
Return some attributes of this type.
getAttributes(int) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
getAttributeSets() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
The attribute types and the sub-sets of their values used in the puzzle.
getAttributeSets() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
The sets of attributes referenced in the solution, grouped by type.
getBasicPuzzle() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
The basic puzzle that defines the constraints to the people and their attributes that question is about.
getChocoModel() - Method in class zebra4j.ZebraModel
The underlying solver Model
getChocoSettings() - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
getChocoSettings() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolver
The settings for the underlying SAT solver
getDistance() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
getFacts() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
The facts that must be satisfied by any solution of the puzzle.
getLeft() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
getLeft() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
getLeft() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.Different
getLeft() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
getPeople() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
The set of people with all of their attributed specified.
getPosition() - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
The number of the position of the house from left to right, starting at 1.
getQuestion() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
A question about the people and their attributes, defined in the underlying basic puzzle.
getRight() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
getRight() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
getRight() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.Different
getRight() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
getTowards() - Method in class zebra4j.Question
getVariableFor(Attribute) - Method in class zebra4j.ZebraModel
Finds the variable for the given unique attribute
GREEN - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Clothes


hasAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.CommutativeFact
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.Question
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
hashCode() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson


initialize() - Method in class zebra4j.util.LazyInstance
isEmpty() - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
iterator() - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
IVAN - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.PersonName


JDKRandom - Class in zebra4j.util
Simple randomness implementation with Random
JDKRandom() - Constructor for class zebra4j.util.JDKRandom
JDKRandom(long) - Constructor for class zebra4j.util.JDKRandom
JDKRandom(Random) - Constructor for class zebra4j.util.JDKRandom


LazyInstance<T> - Class in zebra4j.util
LazyInitializer implementation based on Supplier
LazyInstance(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.util.LazyInstance
Localization - Interface in zebra4j.util


main(String[]) - Static method in class zebra4j.Cli


NAME - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes
NAME_OF_CRIMINAL - Static variable in class zebra4j.Question
Sample question: Who is the criminal?
NearbyHouse - Class in zebra4j.fact
Facts/clues about people with certain attributes living in adjacent or nearby houses.
NearbyHouse(int, Attribute, Attribute) - Constructor for class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
nextInt(int) - Method in class zebra4j.util.JDKRandom
nextInt(int) - Method in interface zebra4j.util.Randomness
NO - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Criminal
numPeople() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle


PersonName - Enum in zebra4j
The name attribute of a person
PET - Static variable in interface zebra4j.Attributes
Pet attribute.
PETER - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.PersonName
PINK - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Clothes
postTo(ZebraModel) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
postTo(ZebraModel) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.Different
postTo(ZebraModel) - Method in interface zebra4j.fact.Fact
postTo(ZebraModel) - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
PuzzleBuilder - Class in zebra4j
Builder for BasicPuzzle
PuzzleBuilder() - Constructor for class zebra4j.PuzzleBuilder
PuzzleGenerator - Class in zebra4j
A generator for BasicPuzzle
PuzzleGenerator(PuzzleSolution, Set<Fact.Type>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator
Generate a new random puzzle using default randomness source
PuzzleGenerator(Randomness, PuzzleSolution, Set<Fact.Type>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator
PuzzleSolution - Class in zebra4j
A full solution to a BasicPuzzle
PuzzleSolutionBuilder - Class in zebra4j
Iterative builder for PuzzleSolution.
PuzzleSolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class zebra4j.PuzzleSolutionBuilder
PuzzleSolver - Class in zebra4j
Solver for BasicPuzzle
PuzzleSolver(BasicPuzzle) - Constructor for class zebra4j.PuzzleSolver
Initialize a new solver with default configuration


Question - Class in zebra4j
A question about an attribute of a person
Question(Attribute, AttributeType) - Constructor for class zebra4j.Question
QuestionPuzzle - Class in zebra4j
A puzzle that looks for answer to the given question given rules defined by the attribute sets used in the underlying basic puzzle (e.g.
QuestionPuzzle(Question, BasicPuzzle) - Constructor for class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
Creates a new instance by attaching a question to a basic puzzle
QuestionPuzzleGenerator - Class in zebra4j
A generator for QuestionPuzzle
QuestionPuzzleGenerator(Question, PuzzleSolution, Set<Fact.Type>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
Creates a new generator with a default random generator
QuestionPuzzleGenerator(Question, PuzzleSolution, Randomness, Set<Fact.Type>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
Creates a new generator for puzzles with the given solution assignment
QuestionPuzzleSolver - Class in zebra4j
Solver for QuestionPuzzle
QuestionPuzzleSolver(QuestionPuzzle) - Constructor for class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleSolver
Initialize a new solver with default configuration
questionSentencePart(Locale) - Method in interface zebra4j.AttributeType
Returns the pattern for questions "about" this attribute type
questionSentencePart(Locale) - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType


Randomness - Interface in zebra4j.util
Data randomization, as used in zebra4j
randomPuzzle(int) - Static method in class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator
Generate a new random puzzle using defaults
randomPuzzle(int) - Static method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
Generates a random puzzle seeded with a random solution, with all built-in facts and attributes.
RED - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Clothes
rejectFact(Fact) - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
Checks if the fact is not compatible with the specific puzzle being generated
rejectFact(Fact) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
remove(Object) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
removeFacts(List<Fact>) - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
Reduce the initial list of all compatible facts to the facts to use in the generated puzzle
removeFacts(List<Fact>) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
Optimized facts pruning for QuestionPuzzle
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain


setChocoSettings(Settings) - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
setChocoSettings(Settings) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolver
The settings for the underlying SAT solver
setChocoSettings(Settings) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleSolver
Configure the settings for the underlying SAT solver
shuffle(List<?>) - Method in class zebra4j.util.JDKRandom
shuffle(List<?>) - Method in interface zebra4j.util.Randomness
Shuffles the provided list in place
size() - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
solution - Variable in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
SolutionGenerator - Class in zebra4j
Generator of PuzzleSolution
SolutionGenerator() - Constructor for class zebra4j.SolutionGenerator
Creates a generator with default configuration and largest possible puzzle size
SolutionGenerator(int) - Constructor for class zebra4j.SolutionGenerator
Creates a generator with default configuration
SolutionGenerator(Set<AttributeType>, int, Randomness) - Constructor for class zebra4j.SolutionGenerator
SolutionPerson - Class in zebra4j
A specification of the attributes of a person in a solution of a BasicPuzzle
SolutionPerson(List<Attribute>) - Constructor for class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
Defines a person from their attributes
SolutionPerson(Attribute...) - Constructor for class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
Defines a person from their attributes
solve() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolver
Solves the puzzles eagerly.
solve() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleSolver
solveSingle() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleSolver
solveToStream() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolver
solveToStream() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleSolver


THEODORA - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.PersonName
toArray() - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
toArray(T[]) - Method in class zebra4j.util.CollectionChain
toOptionalAttribute(IntVar) - Method in class zebra4j.ZebraModel
Checks if a variable is for person for some attribute
toPuzzle(Collection<Fact>) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator
toPuzzle(Collection<Fact>) - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzleGenerator
toSolutionSet(Attribute[], int) - Static method in class zebra4j.AllDifferentType
Returns a list of the first "numPeople" elements of the given array
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicAttributeType
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.BasicPuzzle
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.Different
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleSolution
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.Question
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.QuestionPuzzle
toString() - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson
translate(Class<?>, String, Locale) - Static method in interface zebra4j.util.Localization
translateEnum(Enum<?>, Locale) - Static method in interface zebra4j.util.Localization
type() - Method in class zebra4j.AtHouse
type() - Method in interface zebra4j.Attribute
type() - Method in enum zebra4j.Clothes
type() - Method in enum zebra4j.Criminal
type() - Method in enum zebra4j.PersonName
TYPE - Static variable in class zebra4j.AtHouse
TYPE - Static variable in enum zebra4j.Clothes
TYPE - Static variable in enum zebra4j.Criminal
TYPE - Static variable in class zebra4j.fact.BothTrue
TYPE - Static variable in class zebra4j.fact.Different
TYPE - Static variable in class zebra4j.fact.NearbyHouse
TYPE - Static variable in enum zebra4j.PersonName


uniqueSolution(P) - Method in class zebra4j.AbstractPuzzleGenerator
If the puzzle has a unique solution
uniqueSolution(BasicPuzzle) - Method in class zebra4j.PuzzleGenerator


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zebra4j.Clothes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zebra4j.Criminal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zebra4j.PersonName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum zebra4j.Clothes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zebra4j.Criminal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zebra4j.PersonName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class zebra4j.SolutionPerson


YELLOW - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Clothes
YES - Enum constant in enum zebra4j.Criminal


zebra4j - package zebra4j
zebra4j is a generator and solver for Zebra puzzles, a type of "logic grid puzzles".
zebra4j.fact - package zebra4j.fact
Definition and implementation of facts.
zebra4j.util - package zebra4j.util
Java utilities, mainly for data, which are not specific to zebra4j
ZebraModel - Class in zebra4j
Wrapper on ChocoSolver Model adding variable management
ZebraModel(Settings) - Constructor for class zebra4j.ZebraModel
Initializes a new Zebra ChocoSolver model
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